Q: I'm just starting the program and I've never had any formal education in photography before. How should I begin?

There are two introductory courses in our program:
     -ARTS 2356 Photography I/Darkroom (Film)
     -ARTS 2348 Digital Photography I (Digital)
These courses deal with camera operation, composition, work flow, photographic traditions and contemporary issues in imaging. They both have a 5-hour/ week blend of laband lecture where you produce artwork in class with instructor supervision.


Q: What if I only want to learn digital photography (or) What if I only want to
learn film photography? Do I still have to take the darkroom (or) computer course?

A: Students simply wanting to learn the basics of one aspect of the medium are welcome to take the entry-level courses that meet their needs and stop. If further, intermediate or advanced level study is desired, however, both of the introductory courses are important. This is because we believe that, for any serious photographer, particularly one with fine art aspirations, knowing the basics of both the chemical and digital aspects of the medium is critical. Beyond the first semester, though, students may use their choice of film or digital cameras to complete most of the assignments in most of the program's courses.


Q: What kind of camera do I need? What else do I need to supply?

A: Students in most photography courses are required to supply their own camera, but the department can provide a 35mm format film camera for students enrolled in ARTS 2356 Photography I/Darkroom. Film cameras must use 35mm format film and be capable of manual exposure control. Digital cameras should be able to capture at least 10 MP, be capable of manual exposure control and must be able to shoot a "RAW" file. As for other supplies, students are responsible for providing film, printing paper, camera/computer recordables and a few incidentals like scissors. The Photography Department supplies all chemicals, ink and specialized equipment.


Q: I want to take courses only on nights and weekends. Can I get a degree or certificate this way, or am I going to have to take day classes?

A: Courses that the Photography Department offers are taught during both day and evening. Advanced courses are offered once a year, alternating each days and nights. While most of our courses are offered during the week, a few of them are taught on weekends. Check the current Semester Course Schedule for a list of what weekend courses are available for a given semester.

Q: I don't want to take a class, but I'd like to use your darkroom or computer facilities. Is there a fee that I can pay? Can I rent your darkrooms or studios?

Our labs and studios are for the express use of students who are currently registered in a Photography Department class. They are not available for rental at any time. If you want to use the facilities, you must take a credit class. Continuing Education courses are not offered in our facilities.

Q: Prerequisites: Are they really required?

The courses that have prerequisites have them for a reason. The instructor expects that all students who enter the classroom have an understanding of the prerequisite materials. Some courses are impossible without proper grounding in foundation skills. If you strongly feel that you have these skills and have not been through college/university level courses, you must see the department chair for evaluation.

For more information on upcoming courses, events, program advising, course selection or career preparation for Commercial Photography, please email Scott Hensley, Workforce Program Career Coach at dshensley@femdomcenter.com.